Friday, July 18, 2014


     Upon looking for a new recipe in which to use eggplant I stumble across ratatouille on the internet. I had never thought of making that before—I didn't even realize it was a vegan dish. The first time my daughter and I made it we didn't even have all the right vegetables the recipe called for so we improvised with what we had. It was so good we ended up making it again a couple days later with the correct ingredients and enjoyed it that way too. I guess there is no totally wrong way to make it. Ratatouille is a great way to use all the abundance of veggies coming out of your garden this summer. The word ratatouille is french for "stirred vegetables" I'm told. So there you go—stir the veggies—doesn't seem to matter which veggies so much or how they are even cut. You can cook it in the oven or on the stove. I think there are as many different ways to make ratatouille as their are french cooks! One thing is certain, it's easy, delicious and good for you! Here is the way we have been enjoying it lately.

1 eggplant, diced
1 medium to large zucchini, sliced
1 medium onion, sliced
1 medium bell pepper, sliced
2 cups sliced mushrooms
4 cups diced tomatoes
2 cloves of garlic, minced
olive oil
salt to taste
Vegan Parmesan (recipe in last post)

Sauté garlic and parsley in olive oil.

Add diced eggplant and cook until tender.

At this point you are going to layer everything. Salt and sprinkle the Vegan Parmesan on each layer.
The pictures will show you the way.

Bake in a 350-375 degree oven for about an hour or until all the veggies are tender.

Serve plain, over pasta or my favorite way ... over a crusty artisan bread.
Voila!  Bon appétit!

For more delicious vegan recipes like this and more go to

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Vegan Parmesan Cheese

I've tried a number of different vegan parmesan cheeses and have yet to find one that I really like until now. Some of the ones I have tried have been recipes to make yourself which were alright yet far better than the ones you purchase which will usually sit in the refrigerator forever and finally get thrown. Here is another homemade one that is as tasty as it is easy.

1/2 cup shelled pistachio nuts
1/2 cup nutritional yeast flakes
Salt to taste (approximately 1 tsp.)

Put all the above in a food processor and whiz until flaky. 
(If parmesan has to be white you might not be completely happy with the look of this parmesan which has a golden, earthier tone but if you will give it a try I think you will like the taste. The pistachios add the color but they are also the source of the rich, creamy flavor that lends so well to this parmesan "wanna-be".

Next week I'll show you a delicious dish using this vegan parmesan recipe.  See you then!

For more delicious, vegan recipes like this and more go to