Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Garlic Dressing

By far my most requested recipe, this dressing is so tasty, so easy and so healthy that you can't go wrong! It has four simple ingredients that you throw into a blender and whiz until creamy. The best part is you won't have to feel guilty about dousing your salad with this salad dressing.  The main ingredients EVOO (extra virgin olive oil, first cold pressed) and lemon juice have for years been highly recommended together to be used as a natural remedy to break up and prevent gallstones. EVOO alone has a huge list of benefits some of which I listed below:

  • Recent studies indicate that regular consumption improves blood sugar control and enhances insulin sensitivity.
  • Studies also show that people with diets containing high levels of EVOO are less likely to develop rheumatoid arthritis.
  • A high consumption also appears to improve bone mineralization and calcification and plays an important role in preventing the onset of Osteoporosis.
  • A study in France found that those who cooked and used dressings made from EVOO had a 41% lower risk of stroke than those using other oils.
  • A moderate and regular intake of EVOO is associated with low incidences of specific types of cancer, including breast cancer while have a protective role against coronary diseases as well.
Any one of the above are reason enough to give this dressing a try!

1 cup EVOO (extra virgin olive oil, first cold pressed)
1/2 cup lemon juice
1 head (about 8-10 cloves) garlic
1 tsp. unrefined sea salt

Put all the ingredients in the blender and blend until thick and creamy (about 30 seconds).

Pour over your salad and enjoy!

Will keep in the refrigerator for a few weeks - if it doesn't get eaten first!

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Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Hominy and Beans on Toast

Hominy and Beans on Toast has been served for breakfast in our home on a regular basis for years. This family favorite is full of fiber and protein and will charge your energy battery so much that you might even forget to eat lunch! Full of flavor and nutrition, it's a great way to start the day! Even better still is the ease with which it is prepared.

1/2 a small onion
1/2 small green bell pepper
1 (14.5 oz.) can diced tomatoes with juice (approximate pint home canned)
1 (15 oz.) can kidney or black beans with juice (approximate pint home cooked)
1 (28 oz.) can Juanita's Hominy, drained and rinsed
2 tsp. all purpose season salt
1 Tbsp chili powder

First, saute diced onions and green pepper in a little water or a splash of EVOO.

Add diced canned tomatoes with juice.

Add kidney or black beans.

Add Juanita's brand Hominy.

Juanita's is the only hominy I am aware of that is made from non-GMO corn. Also, it is the only brand I have found that still contains the germ which is the most nutritious part of the corn.

After I add the hominy I sprinkle the hominy with the seasoning before mixing it all together. This gives me a visual since I don't measure the seasoning normally. Their is really no exact science to this recipe just season as much or as little as you like. Use the recipe as a guide.

Mix together, cover and simmer about 5 minutes.

Serve with toasted whole grain bread. We like to put it on the toast—so good!

Great for breakfast but can be enjoyed at any meal of the day!


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Thursday, April 17, 2014

Sofrito, Fresh Seasoning Anytime

My friend, Ruthie, makes the most delicious food! Being Puerto Rican raised in the States she can make latino foods as well as traditional American dishes that will make your mouth water. She shared with me one of her secrets, Sofrito, a fresh latino seasoning that's sinfully easy to make compared to the wealth of flavor it adds to just about anything you add it to! You can make it and keep it fresh in the refrigerator for a week or two, or you can do what I do, freeze it in serving sizes and have it ready to use whenever you want. (Don't let all the pictures scare you! I just decided to walk you through all the steps so you can see how easy it really is.)

2 bell peppers (Ruthie uses two different colors.)
1 whole onion
1 whole garlic head (10-12 cloves)
1/2 bunch of cilantro (If the bunch is small use the whole thing.)

That's it!
Now here's what you do...

Wash everything and cut the peppers and onion into large chunks.

Peel the garlic.

Save yourself a lot of time... lay a clove on a hard surface...

press with the side of your knife.

The garlic will crush and the skin will simply fall off.

This was a fairly large bunch of cilantro so I will use half.

Cut the stems off.

Throw everything into a food processor and pulse a have a dozen times. You might need to open the canister and push down what gets thrown onto the sides a couple of times.

Pulse until your mixture looks something like this. You can do larger chunks if you like or make it even smoother. I like the minced texture that's shown because it allows the flavors to blend well while still leaving enough color diversity that looks so nice in the recipes you add it to.

At this point you can put it in an airtight container and refrigerate. It should last a week or two that way. Or you can spoon it into ice trays, freeze it over night, remove the cubes from the trays and store in a freezer bag or container to be kept indefinitely.

When you need some Sofrito all you have to do is open your freezer, grab a couple cubes and ya,ya,ya! Turn your ordinary potatoes, pot of beans, soups, scramble tofu (or eggs if you're not vegan) vegetables, dips or whatever you want into a mouthwatering treat!

It's just that easy!
I through a couple cubes of Sofrito into a pot of white bean toward the end of their cooking time. This will give the cubes a chance to melt and infuse the beans with their wonderful flavor.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Vegan Grilled Cheese Sandwich

Vegan grilled cheese sandwiches are just another one of those meals that actually taste better than their counter part. These sandwiches are a treat that will bring the family home on time for supper! (I guarantee it.) They are so easy to make I feel silly even showing you how so I'll just tell you how we like them.

Start out with whole grain bread
Spread with Vegenaise
Add the filling you like — Bubbie's sauerkraut*, sliced Bubbie's dill pickles*, sliced fresh tomatoes.
Then add a couple of slices of a vegan cheddar cheese — I have yet to find a better one than Daiya brand vegan cheeses that you can find at any good health food store.

Close sandwich with another slice of whole grain bread and butter lightly the outsides with your favorite vegan buttery spread.
Place on a hot griddle and brown on each side.

Serve with your favorite vegetable soup and voila! 

*Bubbie's sauerkraut and pickles are made in such a way that they contain healthful bacteria similar to that found in yogurt. Since they contain living bacterias and enzymes you will find them in the refrigerator section.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Spinach Quesadilla

Want a quick meal that's also good for you? This is one of my kid's favorite quick lunches. Quesadillas are a meal that can be fiberless and lacking nutrients when made with regular white flour tortillas and filled with cholesterol-full cheese, or with a few easy changes you can have a plentiful supply of both! In this recipe we will use wholegrain tortillas, cholesterol-free vegan cheese and fresh baby spinach.

First, heat up a griddle or frying pan.  Then grate the cheese evenly onto one of the wholegrain tortillas.

Second, pop into the microwave for about 30 seconds just to get the cheese to start melting.

Sprinkle fresh spinach leaves over the cheese. You may also want to add beans, peppers, onions, mushrooms or whatever you fancy.

Fold tortilla over and lay on your hot griddle/pan and brown on each side. Keep an eye on it so you don't burn the tortilla.

When each side is browned remove from heat, cut into wedges and serve with your favorite salsa.

After you've had one of these quesadillas you'll probably want to add it to your favorites list!

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