Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Spanish Bean Soup

In the 1930's my grandparents would frequent a small spanish cafe' in the Cuban area of Tampa named Columbia Cafe—which, by the way, is the oldest restaurant in Tampa opening its doors in 1905.
The attraction was the succulent Spanish Bean Soup with a Ruben on the side. Even now at the age of 98 and 99 they recall fond memories of their lunch excursions to Ybor City. When counseled by her doctor to stop eating meat due to a number of lost pregnancies because of toxemia the two of them decided to become vegetarian to get well and stay vegetarian to stay well. To appease their Spanish Bean Soup cravings she came up with this vegan rendition which has been a family favorite for four healthy generations of vegetarians and vegans.

1 Medium onion, diced
1 Clove garlic, chopped
1-2 stalks of celery diced (optional)
1 Tablespoon Earth Balance Butter
2 Medium potatoes, finely diced (may choose not to peel if potatoes have thin skins)
3 Cups water
1  15 oz. Can garbanzo beans or equivalent of fresh cooked
1 Tablespoon Vegetarian chicken-style seasoning, the Rapunzel brand is nice

Dice potatoes small and simmer in the water until just soft.

While potatoes are cooking, sauté onion, garlic and celery in the Earth Balance Butter until crisp tender.

Add sautéed onions and garlic to potatoes along with the garbanzos and seasoning.

This recipe does not take long to make and is delicious served with sandwiches or a nice green salad.  You may like to add a dollop of vegan sour cream when serving this soup piping hot. Next week I'm going to share with you a very easy and delicious recipe for vegan sour cream.

For more easy and delicious recipes like this one go to

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Nacho Cheese Sauce or Chile Con Queso

Yes, even vegans can enjoy cheese sauce! Absolutely scrumptious over steamed broccoli, cauliflower or asparagus, this cheese sauce is not only cholesterol free it's down-right good for you! NO GUILT INVOLVED! Use this basic recipe adding green chilies or salsa and turn it into Vegan Chile Con Queso and serve with your favorite non-GMO corn chips for a tasty appetizer or treat. All you have to do is dump the following ingredients into the blender and blend until creamy smooth (about 3 minutes) Tada! It's ready to enjoy!

1 cup water or soy milk
3/4 cup cashews
2 Tbsp. sesame seeds or 1 Tbsp. tahini
3 Tbsp. nutritional yeast flakes
1 1/4 tsp. salt
2 tsp. onion powder
1/4 tsp. garlic powder
1 tsp. paprika
1/2 cup (4 oz.) pimentos
2 Tbsp. lemon juice
(If adding green chilies or salsa: add 1/4 cup of each or either and whiz a few seconds at the end of the blending time.)

For more quick and healthy recipes like this one go to

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Vegetable Waffles

Last week in the blog post "Cashew Gravy" there was a picture with cashew gravy poured over a vegetable waffle topped with fresh spinach and avocado. I know this sounds a little unusual but what a delicious and nutritious meal it is. Good for breakfast, lunch or supper I hope you will give it a try. These waffles will make eating veggies fun for your kids too!

4 cups cold water

3 cups rolled oats

1 cup walnuts, pecans or almonds

1 Tbsp. EVOO

1 tsp. salt

4-6 cups fresh spinach

Grated carrot, zucchini, chopped onion etc... whatever you want or don't want

Blend first five ingredients in a blender until creamy. It won't take long — maybe a minute.

Throw in a handful of fresh baby spinach and fold it in to the batter.

Spoon into your very hot waffle iron and cook until the waffle is crisp.

If you want you can add shredded carrots, zucchini, onion... or whatever you want.

A lovely and delicious way to get more veggies into you diet. You might even be able to sneak them pass the kids — actually the kids will probably love them too!

You can serve them like any other waffle, the vegetable flavors don't dominate or if you want you can play it up with more veggies and cashew gravy — my favorite way!

For more delicious vegan recipes and a lot of good health info go to:

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Cashew Gravy

Cashew Gravy is so good that whether you are a vegan or not you will enjoy this vegan option to milk gravy. Not only is it tastier than milk gravy but it's nutrient rich and cholesterol free too! And, quite honestly, it's easier to make. 

1 cup raw cashews (available at the health food store) may also use regular roasted cashews

5 cups water

1/4 cup unbleached white flour or Gluten Free flour

1-2 Tablespoons  Tamari or soy sauce (optional)

2 teaspoons onion powder

1/4 tsp. garlic powder (optional)

1 teaspoon unrefined sea salt

Split the five cups of water putting half of the amount of water into a blender with all the remaining ingredients.  Blend until smooth, at least three minutes (some blenders might take longer).  Pour into sauce pan with the remaining half of the water.  Bring to a boil at a low temperature stirring often to keep from sticking.

May add other ingredients to your taste: nutritional yeast, sage, thyme, basil or any other seasoning you prefer in your gravy.

Yes, this is a picture of a waffle with fresh spinach and avocado topped with cashew gravy. Don't knock it until you've tried it! This is a taste extravaganza! (By the way, the waffle is a vegetable waffle and I'll be posting that recipe next week.) So... give cashew gravy a try. Use it in place of milk gravy and let me know what you think!

For more delicious vegan recipe like this and a plethora of health helps go to: