Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Cashew Gravy

Cashew Gravy is so good that whether you are a vegan or not you will enjoy this vegan option to milk gravy. Not only is it tastier than milk gravy but it's nutrient rich and cholesterol free too! And, quite honestly, it's easier to make. 

1 cup raw cashews (available at the health food store) may also use regular roasted cashews

5 cups water

1/4 cup unbleached white flour or Gluten Free flour

1-2 Tablespoons  Tamari or soy sauce (optional)

2 teaspoons onion powder

1/4 tsp. garlic powder (optional)

1 teaspoon unrefined sea salt

Split the five cups of water putting half of the amount of water into a blender with all the remaining ingredients.  Blend until smooth, at least three minutes (some blenders might take longer).  Pour into sauce pan with the remaining half of the water.  Bring to a boil at a low temperature stirring often to keep from sticking.

May add other ingredients to your taste: nutritional yeast, sage, thyme, basil or any other seasoning you prefer in your gravy.

Yes, this is a picture of a waffle with fresh spinach and avocado topped with cashew gravy. Don't knock it until you've tried it! This is a taste extravaganza! (By the way, the waffle is a vegetable waffle and I'll be posting that recipe next week.) So... give cashew gravy a try. Use it in place of milk gravy and let me know what you think!

For more delicious vegan recipe like this and a plethora of health helps go to:

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